Seventh-Day Adventist Church
The SID Women’s Ministries Congress will take place from 2nd to 6th April, 2013. The particulars of the Congress are as follows:
Venue: Rainbow Towers, Zimbabwe
Participants: All SDA women from age 16
Registration Fee: US$100
To be deposited at either Anchor House, Central Zambia Conference, Accounts Office OR at Zambia Union Conference, Accounts Office by Friday, 31st August, 2012. Registration Forms have already been distributed.
Food Accommod: US$100
Travel: Zambia Union Committee making arrangements with one of the International Buses
operators and will inform us in due time.
Close assistance is required in ensuring the registration of at least the District Women’s Ministries Leader together with one active female young woman in the bracket of 16 to 35 years old to attend the Congress.
Central Zambia Conference has been given the largest slot and for this reason, women should take this opportunity to register as possible at a Local Church, and then prepared lists should be submitted to CZC office by Friday, 31st August, 2013.