


    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Apr 27 2014


  • Opening of the Branch

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Sep 16 2013

    The official opening of the Mtendere Sabbath School Branch will be on saturday the 21st september 2013. The branch will be congregating at Mtendere Basic School.

    You are all invited

  • Holy Communion

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Jun 27 2013

    This coming sabbath is Holy Communion all are invited to part take.

  • Board & Business

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Jun 21 2013

    There will be Board and Business on sunday the 23 june 2013,at Mtendere Main. All church members are urged to attend the business meeting.

  • AMO Rally 2013

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Jun 18 2013

    There will be an AMO rally at Muluse starting from 23rd to  29th June . all AMO members to attend

  • 2013 Camp Meeting

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Jun 18 2013

       The 2013 Camp Meeting schedule shall be as follows; Avondale and Lusaka East Mission Districts shall camp in the second group from 18 – 24th August at Muluse. Theme: We are His disciples. Text John 8: 31 – 32. Theme Song: I will follow thee. SDA Hymnal # 623; Local # 11. Main Speaker: Pastor Clement Imolo, 2nd Speaker Pastor David Kayaya, 3rd Speaker: Evangelist Teddy Milambo. Please prepare to attend.

  • 20th October 2012

    Announced by Musaka Mulanga on Oct 20 2012

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

    1. All Singers are requested to prepare for the Re-union to be held on 24th October 2012 at M'tendere Main at 08:30hrs. Carry packed lunch.

    2. Be reminded that the second batch of Great Controversy Project books are ready, therefore, elders should collect the books on behalf of their members from the district secretary by sabbath 20th October 2012. The distribution date will be announced soon.

    3. Five crusades in Lusaka East Mission District comes to an end 20th October 2012 and two mass baptisms to be conducted at M'tendere Main SDA Church baptism pool and the other one  at Palabana college (Palabana SDA Church). Therefore, the main service will start at 10:00hrs and baptism will be at 11:00hrs. Please observe time

    4 There will be Pathfinder Progressive classes and Honour examination on 24th October 2012 at Chitukuko SDA Church at 08:30hrs. All participants to be in uniforms.

    5. T-Shirts to be worn on the Great Hope Project day are ready, prices ranges from K35,000 to K65,000. All are encouraged to purchase one in order for all of us to be uniform on the actual distribution day

    6. There will be a Pathfinder survival camp at Lwimba from 26th to 28th October 2012. All participants are requested to contribute K50,000 each.

    7. There will be a CZC Youth End of Year Camp at Mumbwa High School from 23rd to 30th December 2012. To attened are Ambassadors and Senior Youths only. Registration K170,000 to be paid by 30th October 2012.

    8. Region B Master Guide Investiture will take place on 3rd November 2012 at Munali SDA Church.

  • SID Women Ministries Congress Costings

    Announced by Musaka Mulanga on Aug 11 2012

    The SID Women’s Ministries Congress will take place from 2nd to 6th April, 2013. The particulars of the Congress are as follows:

    Venue:                 Rainbow Towers, Zimbabwe
    Participants:         All SDA women from age 16
    Registration Fee:  US$100

    To be deposited at either Anchor House, Central Zambia Conference, Accounts Office OR at Zambia Union Conference, Accounts Office by Friday, 31st August, 2012.  Registration Forms have already been distributed.

    Food Accommod:   US$100
    Travel:                  Zambia Union Committee making arrangements with one of the International Buses 
    operators and will inform us in due time.

    Close assistance is required in ensuring the registration of at least the District Women’s Ministries Leader together with one active female young woman in the bracket of 16 to 35 years old to attend the Congress.

    Central Zambia Conference has been given the largest slot and for this reason, women should take this opportunity to register as possible at a Local Church, and then prepared lists should be submitted to CZC office by Friday, 31st August, 2013.

  • Central Zambia Conference Music Camp

    Announced by Musaka Mulanga on Aug 11 2012

    The forth coming CZC Music Camp Meeting which will take place from 7-14th October, 2012 at Mondengwa Campsite in Lusaka West.

    WHO SHOULD ATTEND?:        All singing groups in your district.

    REGISTRATION FEE:               K50, 000 per singer/per person

    DEADLINE FOR PAYMENT:     August 31, 2012

    THEME:  "A Revived Singer"

    All payments should be done through the Central Zambia Conference account.

    NB: No auditions will be conducted.

  • Communication Evaluation Meeting

    Announced by Musaka Mulanga on Aug 11 2012

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    This announcement serves to inform you that there will be Communication Evaluation Meetings for CZC as follows:

      Region Venue Date Time
    1. Lusaka & Surrounding areas City SDA Church 12th August 2012 09:00 - 13:00 Hours
    2. Kabwe & Surrounding areas Kabwe Adventist School (KAS) 26th August 2012 09:00 - 13:00 Hours


    Reports in Communication covering activities done from January to July 31st, 2012
    Evangelism methods being used in the districts.  New methods introduced this year to be noted.
    Updates on eChurch Websites will be given at this meeting.
    Each district that was trained in eChurch Website is expected to present their best website.
    Certificates of Attendance will be issued to all those who have been trained.
    Distribution of Internet Gadgets by Pastor Burton M. Moonga, Elder Derrick Muneene and Joe Phiri.

    To attend:

    District Pastors
    Elders in charge of Communication Department
    District and Church Communication Leaders and committee members.
    District and Church Communication Secretaries.
    Church Clerks

    All participants are encouraged to keep time!

  • 16th June 2012 Announcements

    Announced by Musaka Mulanga on Jun 16 2012

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    1. There will be departmental meetings on 17th June 2012 at M’tendere Main SDA Church at 08:00hrs. The following departments will hold councils during the departmental meetings:
    • Dorcas  – All Dorcas Workers and their elders in charge to attend to discuss Rally report and M’tendere clinic Shelter.
    • Personal Ministries – All PM leaders, Secretaries, VOP Leaders, Admin elders/elders in charge to attend.
    • A.Y  – All members to attend. Observe time and all to be in Uniforms.
    • AMO - All AMO members and their elders in charge to attend to discuss Rally report and M’tendere clinic Shelter.
    • Children Ministries – All Local Leader, Secretaries and elders in charge to attend.
    1. There will be Auditions only for singing groups that were selected earlier,  tomorrow 17th June 2012 at Chelstone SDA Church.
    2. 16th June, 2012  will be publishing day in all churches and preachers will be sent.
    3. On 22nd June, 2012 the General Conference Secretary Dr Ng will be in Lusaka, Zambia and  23rd June 2012 will be a big Sabbath at Nkoloma Stadium where all churches in Lusaka will congregate from. After worship, all Church clerks and Admin elders to meet the GC secretary at new Government Complex conference hall.
    4. All Churches to ensure that all monthly contributions to the district are remitted on time so that all activities can run efficiently and effectively. And continue preparing for the camp meeting which is just around the Conner.
    5. On 16/06/12, District Sabbath School leadership will be visiting Kalikiliki SDA Church. On 30/06/12, Health Ministries Leadership will be at M’tendere main.
    6. There will be CPC/Council on 24th June 2012 at M’tendere main .
    7. All members are urged to continue paying for Great controversy books for great controversy project. Fees remain unchanged.
    8. Ensure that all departmental reports are submitted to the district leadership during the departmental meetings.
    9. All Youths of Chelstone Church, Chelstone District, Munali and Lusaka East are being asked or requested through their District Pastors to come in uniform to perform identifiable official church duties at big Sabbath at Nkoloma Stadium. "We will appreciate the Service of our Vibrant Soldiers" Pastor Naini (For Youth Director)
  • AMO

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on May 20 2012

    All amo members should meet at mtendere main tomorrow 20th May,2012 

  • Sabbath School Study Guides

    Announced by Musaka Mulanga on Apr 20 2012

    All Churches should start ordering Sabbath School Study Guides; Adults K18, 000 and Children K11, 000 per copy.

  • CZC Building Project Contributions

    Announced by Musaka Mulanga on Apr 20 2012

    All church members are required to contribute K10, 000 per person per month (120,000 per year) towards the Central Zambia Conference (CZC) building project contributions. Those who haven’t started are urged to do so!

  • For Your Diary

    Announced by Musaka Mulanga on Apr 20 2012

    1. 21st April 2012 is Christian Education day and preachers have been sent in all churches.
    2. There will be district choir rotation on 28th April 2012.
    3. There will be Ambassador and Pathfinder council at M’tendere main church on 22nd April 2012. All to be in uniforms. Time 09:00hrs observe time.
    4. District departmental visits; Children ministries Leaders will be at Chitukuko church today 21st April 2012 and on  28th April 2012 they will be at Kalikiliki while communication will be at Kalingalinga on 28th April 2012.
  • Social Outing for Singles

    Announced by Musaka Mulanga on Apr 20 2012

    Family Life and Adventist Youths will conduct a Social Outing for singles on 29th April, 2012 at Siwilanji Gardens. All singles to start preparing for this event. All participants to pay K25, 000.00. Check the details on our family life page to contact the Leaders for payments and details!

  • Launching of the ICPAD

    Announced by Musaka Mulanga on Apr 20 2012

    Launching of the Zambian chapter on International Commission for Prevention against Alcohol and Drugs (ICPAD) will be from 3rd to 5th May 2012 at University SDA Church. Registration fee is K100, 000 per delegate to be paid through the Union Office. For more information; call 0967 111500

  • Church Membership Register Update

    Announced by Musaka Mulanga on Apr 18 2012

    Mtendere Main SDA Church is updating the Church Membership Register. All members are encouraged to see the Church Clerks for the same. Visit the Secretariat Page under Adminiatration to get the contact details for any of the church clerks. You are also advised to inform relatives and friends who may not be within Lusaka, to contact the Secretariat for the same.

  • The dates for the Central Zambia Conference Women's Ministries Congress have been confirmed as follows: 15th to 22nd April 2012.

    The details for the congress are as follows:

    Theme: “Revived by the Power of His Word”
    Theme Song: “Revive Us Again”  AH 157

    Venue: Ibex Hill Secondary School

    Participants: All women

    We welcome the presence of interested elders.

    Registration:         K300,000 to be deposited at Anchor House for Lusaka and nearby towns and  Central Zambia Conference, Accounts Office

  • CZC Dorcas Rally

    Announced by Musaka Mulanga on Apr 11 2012

    There will be Central Zambia Conference Dorcas rally from 1st to 7th July 2012

  • District Dorcas Rally/ Amo Union Rally

    Announced by Musaka Mulanga on Apr 11 2012

    Prepare to turn in great numbers for the District Dorcas Rally which will be held from 22nd to 29th April 2012 at Lwimba and Union AMO Rally from 29th April to 5th May 2012 in Kabwe. Please start paying your fees now.

  • Pathfinder/Master Guide Camporee

    Announced by Anonymous on Apr 11 2012

    Pathfinder/Master Guide Camporee starts on 18th – 28th April 2012 in Mbala, all those who are going, to consult the leaders for more information. For contact details of the Leaders visit our Youth Ministries page!

  • Lay Preachers and Interpreters Seminar

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Mar 14 2012

    There will be Lay preachers and interpreters seminar from 01 to 03 April 2012 at Kalingalinga SDA Church. All those who will attend the seminar to submit to Elder Mutakwa Shepherd through the Local Personal Ministries Leaders.

  • District Connunication Department

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Mar 14 2012

    District communication is slowly phasing out the publishing of District announcements in hard copy (papers) to soft copy (internet). All elders, district departmental heads and members therefore, should be aware of the district and local websites where all announcements are posted. The following is the district website:  Elders and all leaders to submit their email address to district communication as soon as possible. You can submit through:

  • Pre-Campaign Evangelism Meetings

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Mar 05 2012

    There shall be pre-campaign evangelism (door to door) from 10th to 17th March, 2012 followed by the Youth Week of Prayer which will commence on 17th March 2012 to be followed by mass baptism on 24th march 2012. All elders to lead into this program and all members to participate.

  • Children's Ministries Certification Seminar

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Mar 05 2012

    There shall be children ministries certification seminar from 20th -26th May 2012 at Garden house.All participants to pay K300,000.00 for registration,lodging and food throughout the whole stated period.Deadline for payments will be 20th March 2012 and all those who will attend to submit their names to the pastor within the next two weeks from now.

  • Youth Week of Prayer/Baptism/Vop Graduation

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Mar 05 2012

    Youth week of prayer starts on 17th March 2012 and ends on 24th March 2012, and all baptism candidates from both week of prayer and VOP should be ready for baptism.There shall be baptism and VOP graduation on 24th March 2012 .

  • Campmeeting 2012

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Jan 14 2012

    The Camp Meeting season is just around the corner and soon all roads will be leading to Muluse Camp Site.  Surely, you are aware of this year's camp meeting and are already actively preparing to camp. For those who have never camped, make this your first; you will never regret. For those who have not camped for a while, you have an opportunity for a fresh start.

    Take note of Our 2012 Camp Meeting:


    TEXT: HEBREWS 4:12



    You cannot afford to miss such a great revival that shall be wrought by the Lord Our God. Make a date to meet your God at Muluse Campsite.

  • Theme For 2012

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Jan 14 2012

    THE 2012 THEME  IS "REVIVED BY HIS WORD". This entails spending time with God's Word as a result of our love for His Word which stems from a warm intimate relationship with Our Lord God. Vistit for details.

  • The GC Secretary Visit

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Jan 14 2012

    The General Conference Secretary will be visiting Zambia on 22nd June, 2012.

  • Revival and Reformation

    Announced by Communication Mtendere Main SDA Church on Jan 07 2012

    Saints are hereby reminded that every first Sabbath of the Quarter is Fasting and Prayer day. Join the World Church in prayers for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in form of Latter rain to hasten the soon return of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Please remember the 777 theme of Prayer Cycle and stay blessed.